How to add Defects and treatment via clicking on a surface.
1) Go to the patients record and select the Charting tab.
2) Go to the new cog symbol in the top left of the charting area as shown below.
Original/Alternative Display Pictures – Use the original Pearl Symbols / Enable our new updated Charting Symbols.
Old Style/New Charting Method – Enables/Disables the new window charting method vs old context menus.
Use Surface Clicks on Teeth – Will import the clicked surface into the new charting window when enabled. This is recommended unless used on lower resolutions or smaller screens (requires new charting method to be enabled).
Close Baseline On Add Item – Automatically close the window when adding items on a baseline proposal.
Close Treatment On Add Item – Automatically close the window when adding items to a course of treatment.
The new window is split into two sections, the left hand side shows new available treatments and surface combinations while the right hand side allows you to edit and reference existing treatments and defects.
Selecting a Surface
If surface clicks are turned on, the clicked surface will be imported to the new window. The numberpad keys can also be used to quickly select the relative surfaces on the diagram – press the button to see a full list of keyboard shortcuts.
Selecting a Whole Tooth Item (e.g. Crown)
If no surface is selected the window will show only whole tooth items such as crowns. This can be achieved by deselecting all selected surfaces or toggling the slider to the “Tooth” setting.
Searching for an item
The smart search allows you to easily find any item by name, broken down by their sub category where appropriate. Simply start typing to begin searching. Items marked as favourites will appear first in the list, and can be selected on the main charting window via the button.
Changing the Tooth’s State
Use the tick boxes to toggle the tooth to the correct state. The symbols represent the various possible states pearl accounts for:
Present Items/ Proposed Treatment
These lists show all current treatment or proposed treatment for this tooth. To show historic, removed treatments slide the switch to “No Longer Present”. Use the button to delete, hide or edit SNOMED codes for these items.
Moving Between Teeth
Once a tooth’s charting is complete, use the Left/Right arrow buttons in the top corners of the window, or keyboard shortcuts to jump to other teeth in the mouth – or simply click directly on the next tooth you wish to chart. The up/down arrows can be used to switch between the proposals and baseline rows if an open treatment plan is selected.
When charting proposed treatment, the available treatments will exclude all defect items, in much the same way the current older style menu behaves.
When opened, the selected surface will be pre-calculated based on existing defects. Defective surfaces will be highlighted with yellow stripes as shown and suggested treatment emphasised.
Using the drag and drop and right click features for surface-based treatments/defects will now show a simple surface selector window as shown