Treatment Planning

Treatment Planning

How to create, carry out and bill the patients treatment.

1) Go to patient’s record -> Charting tab -> New Treatment Plan button.

2) The Practitioner, Course Start, Staff Role and Update Last Treatment Start Date will already be filled out automatically, amend them if needed. Select a Template with the drop down box, if you don’t wish to use a Template, leave it blank. Press the Create New Treatment Plan button.

3) The Proposal Row will appear above and below the baseline. To add a proposal item, hover over the affected tooth and left click. Select the proposal item you want to add. Additional lists will appear if the proposal item requires further detail such as surface selection.

4) If you have multiple of the proposal item, for example an Artificial Tooth you can select it once using the instructions in step 3) and then right click the other affected areas to indicate placement of an Artificial Tooth.

5) Your episode will now look something like this, once you have finished adding all your proposals, you can start telling the system what you have done.

6) To set a single item to Done click the tick box under the Done column. To set them all to Done click the tick button below the Treatment plan area.

7) To bill the work you’ve done press the Pound Sign button at the bottom of the Treatment Plan section. Fill out the information in the section and save it with the green tick button. Please note the default settings will automatically bill the patient and close the treatment plan.