Clinical Note Audit

Clinical Note Audit

How to see the history of changes on a specific note. Also covers how to see notes by a specific practitoner type.

1) To view the history of a note, select it on either the Charting or Clinical notes screen and press the yellow edit button.


2) This will show you the latest clinical note.


3) To view the history of edits for this note tick Show Note History



4) This will show you the history of edits, showing only the most recent for edit for each day.


5) To view each time the note has been editied (including multiple times a day) tick Full Audit History.


This note shows as being on the incorrect patient. Double click on the note to find out more.

Ticking the show note history shows us what the note was on the previous day.

If you tick the Full Audit History this shows us there were two edits on the 16th (changes to grammar and punctuation).

When viewing notes, they can be filtered by performer type by clicking the relevant checkboxes.


Deleted notes can also be shown by clicking the Show Deleted Notes checkbox.

Ticking this will show the deleted notes.