This is a key for the BPE & Perio Assesments. It explains what the coloured arrow symbols show. Information about Clinical notes can be found ‘here’. This section is where the clinician/dental nurse records the patient’s BPE and 6 point periodontal assessment. The patient’s clinical notes can also be viewed, added or amended from here.
The BPE will display the 6 pocket depths that have been recorded; a red B where the gums are bleeding; and a * to indicate furcation is present. A “Red, Amber, Green” (RAG) scoring system has also been used to aid the user in seeing how good, or bad, the patient’s overall BPE score is. In addition to this, when you have recorded more than one BPE, an arrow will display to indicate whether the condition of the gums has improved or deteriorated.
Buttons – ‘View’, ‘Print’, ‘Add’, ‘Edit’, ‘Delete’
The Perio displays average and highest recordings to give the clinician information about the assessment at a glance. As with the BPE, an arrow displays to indicate whether recordings made have improved or not, in comparison with the previous assessment.
Buttons – ‘View’, ‘Add’, ‘Edit’, ‘Delete’
Please see Clinical Notes
Buttons – ‘Open x-ray imaging software’, ‘Print’, ‘Copy’, ‘View’, ‘Add’, ‘Edit’, ‘Delete’