28 May Pearl Dental Portal – A COVID Update
Introducing Pearl Portal.
Over the past month, in an effort to promote social distancing the Pearl Team have been collecting detailed feedback on what functionality would be most useful if made available outside of the practice. We have had a staggering amount of feedback from over 200 practices.
The Portal will allow patients to fill out various bits of paperwork and information before setting foot in the practice reducing risk for both patient and your dental team. This service will be made available for free to all our existing Pearl Dental Software users over the next few difficult months.
The Portal will allow patients to access their appointment information:
Fill in COVID risk assessments
Additional function will be continuously added over the next few months. Fees for the portal have been waived during the pandemic, practices will be informed when they are introduced.
For more information Please feel free to call 0116 275 9995, email info@bhasoftware.com or use our online chat service
Alternatively if you are already using Pearl Dental Software you can fill our a short form here and our team will be in touch.
Additional Info:
Video consultancy software
We have had multiple requests for video consultancy software. We are currently advising to use one of the many existing strong candidates out there already such as Zoom, Skype, GoTo Meeting and Clinic.co (which offers free service to all those with an NHS email address.) They are specialised in providing stable and easy to use video conferencing software so are the best option for speaking to patients. We will look into integration’s with these softwares if available.
Recalls/Cancelled Patients
As practices look at returning to work there will be a backlog of patients who are now overdue appointments. They can be tracked down using the ‘Lapsed Recalls’ tool to automatically find and contact the patients. Call our support team for help when you are ready to do so.
PR, Medical History and Consent
Remember you can obtain verbal consent instead of written consent during this period. Click Here for more information
Returning to Work
Pearl has tried to be accurate with our estimates on when these Portal functions will be available. We aim to keep our practices in the loop. If you have not yet done so please register interest using the button below.