11 Jun Pearl Dental Software User Group | 7th June 2019
First meeting of PD-SUG was held on 7th June

Claire from JDRM during her presentation on how to manage Urgent Patients.
Our first Pearl Dental Software User Group (PD-SUG) meeting was held on Friday 7th June at ‘Pearl Towers’ i.e., the brand new meeting and teaching room in our quite new head office building.
True to our promise to make Pearl a tool for the whole team, five practices sent eight members of staff that included principle dentists, associate dentists, a practice manager, a head nurse, an IT technician and two receptionists.
Delegates heard presentations from guest speakers on managing ’emergency’ appointments, practice brand perceptions, and managing UDAs in Pearl. Ben Baker also provided a history of Pearl, recent additions and developments to the software, and plans for the future.
The afternoon finished with a discussion on business drivers and how Pearl and PD-SUG might help respond to them. One of our biggest takeaways from the event was how important compliance and preparation for CQC inspections is to your practice, so we’re looking to act on this feedback and supply our sites with better tools to manage these inspections going forward (watch this space).
What next?
Everyone who attended felt the meeting was a worthwhile event and that PD-SUG deserved further development, and with that in mind we have started planning for a second user group meeting. Details will follow soon.
Meantime, if you are interested in attending a PD-SUG meeting or want to exchange ideas about how it might develop, please email us with subject PD-SUG at info@bhasoftware.com
Thank you to guest speakers Claire Hames of JDRM and Chris Webb of Precision PR, and a special thank you to all those who took the time and trouble to attend our first PD-SUG meeting.
For more information on Pearl Dental Software, please visit www.pearldentalsoftware.com or email info@pearldentalsoftware.com