Waiting Lists

Waiting Lists

How to utilise waiting lists. Appointments can also be added directly to a waiting list to help prioritise specific patients and keep track of courses of treatments or cancelled appointments.

Setup Waiting Lists

1. To access your list of Waiting lists and create a new list, first head to Settings > Appointments Setup > Waiting Lists Setup.

2. Next enter the relevant details; a short description for the Wait Lists purpose, a colour to clearly indicate the different lists and a target (amount of days the appointment needs to be booked within).

Once you are happy press the Save Button.

Using the Waiting Lists Utility

3. To start using the waiting lists, we can begin by creating planned appointments. Cancelled appointments will automatically create a planned appointment, with the same appointment details.


For more information on Planned Appointments, Click here.

a. Creating a Planned appointment gives you the option to add to a wait list. If this appointment is later cancelled, it will always return to this specified list unless modified. Regular appointments will be added to your Default Cancellation List.

b. To access your Waiting Lists, go to the Diary screen, then on the left bar click on Waiting Lists.

The actions apply to each individual appointment in the selected Waiting List.


  • Find a Slot – Merges in the planned appointment and will locate available time in your Diary.
  • Navigate to Patient – Go to the Patient details screen.
  • Phone correspondence – Create a phone call correspondence if you have verbally spoken to the Patient.
  • Edit – Edit this Planned Appointment.
  • Delete – Delete this Planned Appointment.

Appointments can also be Drag and dropped onto the diary if you are currently on the correct date and time.

c.To view a report of the Appointments in any waiting list, press the Show More button. This will then show another button at the bottom of the window. Press Print Current Waiting List.


Alternatively, you can access the Report any time from The Reports Menu > Appointments > Waiting Lists Report.

Please watch our video below showing how Waiting Lists can be created and can be utilised to organise proposed appointments in Pearl.