07 Jan Clouds and dentistry
We've recently attended a few dentistry exhibitions. We obviously paid great attention to the IT and software businesses exhibiting, and we made a few observations. Read our opinions ...
We've recently attended a few dentistry exhibitions. We obviously paid great attention to the IT and software businesses exhibiting, and we made a few observations. Read our opinions ...
Last year we made the decision that we needed to invest in 'marketing' in a big way for the first time. We had reached the limits of what 'word of mouth' could do for us. No matter how good our...
BHA Software Limited today announced the latest member of the Pearl family of software systems for dentists. Pearl Dental Software builds on BHA's 20 years of experience in practice management systems to deliver the most complete patient journey support currently...
Like so many things in the wonderfully wacky world of software, the word 'update' can mean different things to different people. However, one thing is clear - it's a word that gets used a lot....
We are pleased to announce the launch of our new website: www.pearldentalsoftware.com. The new site is graphically more appealing, provides easier navigation around the site, and allows us to post blogs, articles, case studies and news announcements on the site....