Pearl Dental Software is excited to announce we now integrate with FDS Consultants Dental Referral’s management system. Dental Referral’s allows you to track your referrals and find a complete directory of services for your area all in one place. Their mission statement is to deliver the safest, most effective and responsive dental referral management system across the UK. They are committed to improving patient experience and increasing quality outcomes in dental care.
Why use Pearl’s Integration?
Pearl Users can send their patient information straight from Pearl to Dental Referrals, so their referral is automatically populated saving time and ensuring accurate patient information. Once your Dental Referrals API key has been added, you just need to go to your Communication tab and a button will be present at the bottom of the screen. Pressing Add New Rego Referral will open Rego with the correct information.
The FDS Referral token in Pearl.
Adjusting to an online dental referral system can seem a little daunting, but FDS dental referrals provides a number of courses online on using their system that guide you through logging in and submitting a referral. They also offer a new free eCPD course on Health & Safety for Dental Practices which provides an hour of eCPD to all who complete it.
What to do next?
Dental Referral’s is being rolled out to a number of area teams across the UK. We also provide a seamless integration for Rego by Vantage Health if you use them for your referrals.
To setup your Rego or FDS Dental Referrals integration please call our offices on 0116 275 9995 or email us at
A little bit about us…
About Baker Heath Associates Limited
BHA writes user-friendly software to a specific target with a flexible pricing system, no tie-in contract and continuous support and upgrades. We produce software products for a number of areas; dental surgeries, mortgage brokers, colleges & universities, estimators and membership organisations. We take client feedback very seriously, and upgrades, modifications and improvements are driven by requests from our clients.
Support, Installation & Training There is no switchboard at Baker Heath – you get straight through to support. A programmer answers your call and will be able to start helping you immediately. When you purchase one of our packages, we will install the program on-site and provide training for all staff on the same day.