02 Oct The clock is ticking …
50% of Pearl users upgraded to the latest version
Summer has been and gone, and hopefully, every NHS practice has got to grips with new service contract starts, new year budgets, and new UDA targets. So now may be a good time to plan a migration from Pearl Plus to Pearl Dental Software.

Andy Gallagher with a little ‘well-done’ in the shape of a Star Wars lava lamp for his hard work helping 5 new Pearl Dental Software sites to become part of the Pearl family in one week!
All our new clients and half of our long-term clients are now running Pearl Dental Software. It provides the same ease-of-use (actually, it’s easier to use), reliability and quality support, with improved flexibility, better graphics, more functions and more powerful management information.
More importantly, Pearl’s new cloud-based architecture provides a platform for future development not available in the underlying structure of Pearl Plus. That means that future changes in NHS contracts or public health reporting (for example) can only be incorporated in the latest version of Pearl Dental Software.
Two years of Pearl Dental Software
It’s been over two years since we launched Pearl Dental the successor to PearlPlus! We’ve improved on many of the features of PearlPlus and added new capabilities like PearlPad for tablet signatures, remote access from outside the surgery and multi-site management capabilities.
We’ve tried our best to keep you all up to date with the latest on Pearl Dental but for those who we have yet to speak to or who want to know a little more in your own time, we’ve got something for you. We’ve made a five-minute video outlining the layout, features and benefits of Pearl Dental. Click here for the link.
Spring, for us, is by far our busiest period of the year, with many of our own NHS and government regulation deadlines on the 1st of April. This year it also marked a decade since the beginning development of PearlPlus – a lifetime in the software world. With that being said, by next spring we aim to ring in the ‘dental New Year’ with all our users upgraded from PearlPlus to Pearl Dental, so everyone can benefit from the hard work our team have put in to make the best dental software package on the market.
However, autumn looks almost as busy this year as practices queue-up to migrate to Pearl Dental Software. So if you are planning to upgrade to Pearl Dental Software (don’t forget that we are only providing bug-fixes for PearlPlus – no more ongoing development) please get in touch and book your training. For us to provide the best service in terms of training and support, booking early is really important so please don’t leave it to the last minute!
To book a demo or upgrade of Pearl Dental please call our office using 0116 275 9995 or email us on info@bhasoftware.com
Ben Baker – MD of BHA Limited