06 Sep Brand New Features: September Update 2019
This is the first month of our Update Release cycle overhaul! We’ll now be releasing our updates once a month, along with a newsletter and blog post showing you all the exciting new features in Pearl!
September 2019 New Features
Improvements to Perio
- Compare two or more periodontal assessments so you can see improvements or deterioration of individual teeth. Go to BPE & Perio tab > Compare Six-Point Perio Assessments.
Patient Management
- Automatically save individual patient reports to their folder. Example: Opening the Treatment Plan for a patient who would like it printed. The treatment plan PDF will automatically save into the patient’s folder. WARNING: Must be toggled on in the practice settings. Go to Settings > Practice Settings > Reports > tick ‘Auto Save To Patient Folder’.
- New search function in the Search bar, you can now search by Invoice Number and Claim Reference Number.
Patient Journey Tools
- The Orthodontic Profiler has been vastly improved with customisation and flexibility with image number and position.
- Pearl now integrates with MEDiVision! Find out more here.
Two New Reports
- Private work done for each practitioner in a specified date range to help with managing payments for private treatment done for each practitioner each month.
- Daily Account Totals -simply a list of transactions taken for a single day or period of time.
September 2019 Improvements
Managing FP17s
- Continuation FP17s (such as free repair/replace) will now warn you if the patient name, date of birth, address or postcode has changed before you send it -so you can avoid sending claims that will get automatically rejected by the board because of these changes.
- Patients must now have a primary staff member set on the patient record -this stops any problematic FP17 creations.
- You may notice a little bit of jiggling when you open an attention form. This is a small prompt for you to open your View History button to find out why the attention form has been rejected and might help with fixing the issue ready for sending it back to the board. The View History button has been around for yonks but we think it’s probably one of the most useful underutilised tools in the system. Find it in the top right corner of your patient’s FP17s.
Patient Managment
- Shows attached files for emails under the correspondence tab -you can even open them from this screen
- Dental referrals include Doctor information too!
- You are now able to filter between NHS, Private and Mixed Courses of Treatment on the Open Courses of Treatment report -easier to find and close incomplete NHS treatments ready for sending off your forms!
Keeping things Tidy
- You can now hide discontinued treatment items on the settings screen so you don’t have a big bulky list of treatment items to sift through.
Take a look at the New Features
That’s everything this month! Please give us a call on 0116 275 9995 if you have any feature suggestions, improvements or simply want to learn more about new or existing features in Pearl.
A little bit about us…
About Baker Heath Associates Limited
BHA writes user-friendly software to a specific target with a flexible pricing system, no tie-in contract and continuous support and upgrades. We produce software products for a number of areas; dental surgeries, mortgage brokers, colleges & universities, estimators and membership organisations. We take client feedback very seriously, and upgrades, modifications and improvements are driven by requests from our clients.
Support, Installation & Training
There is no switchboard at Baker Heath – you get straight through to support. A programmer answers your call and will be able to start helping you immediately. When you purchase one of our packages, we will install the program on-site and provide training for all staff on the same day.