Recent SNOMED CT Implementations

Recent SNOMED CT Implementations

Implementation of SNOMED CT for Pearl Dental Software


The Dental Software Suppliers Association (DSSA) have been working alongside the many regulatory and industry bodies, including the Business Services Authority, NHS X and the Chief Dental Office, regarding the implementation of SNOMED.

We are aware that users of our Dental Practice Management Software are contacting us to ask about the go live date which remains as today, 1st September 2021. We can confirm that the ability to input SNOMED codes against treatment codes is available in Pearl Dental Software.

It is important to note, that to date, we have not received a finalised set of SNOMED CT codes to be incorporated into our practice management software solutions.

The Dental Software Suppliers Association is continuing to seek clarification on the following points

  1. How and when SNOMED codes should be recorded in the day-to-day workflows of diagnosis and treatment through your practice management software.
  2. The finalised list of SNOMED codes for practice management systems to implement, with mapping to treatment and diagnosis codes within the software.
  3. How practices are expected to use the recorded SNOMED codes, when the information should be viewed, transmitted or simply stored in the database.


If you would like to know more about SNOMED, please see the article on the BDA website

For more information about SNOMED CT within Pearl please watch the video below

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Ben Baker